Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm Stuck in the Middle ... with You

Being a libra is not easy sometimes. I have learned from the "school of hard knocks" that no one is going to come riding up on a white horse and save me. I've had to tell myself, "No one is coming to help me. I have to get out of this by myself."

I've turned to God in those times. God has always come through with others sources of help and different people. Most of all I have been filled with the power and strength to keep perservering through the "hot" times in my fire storms of life. The following does seem to reflect on what I have learned for myself. (an eHarmoney report: engaging other people)

I also have had difficulty in knowing how far to go to help other people. This report seems to explain how they may have felt as a result of my behavior towards them. It may explain the resentment that has developed in others as a result of my behavior.

This helps me to be more mindful of how my family and friends "feel"... how THEY feel inside when we interact. This helps me to be more sensitive to others.... Compassion is the ability to put oneself in other's shoe's and consider how they feel, think, see, act, etc. Then I have an opportunity to step up and be there for them, in a way that THEY would like to be approached and helped.

Also, the "hardliners" have counseled me to be even harder on others. I just cannot and will not do that. I have thrown too many people away and I have been thrown away. I have been on the bottom and needed a hand up and I've been the hand up. I will never throw anyone away, ever. If I can help and am given the power and strength to help others... then I will do so. However, I will not do it at my expense anymore... and so it is.

Also, consider what is sensitive, compassionate true help... to give help to someone in a way that they really need. Not to walk away and be done with them, but take their hand and walk with them....

"Negative Reactions Others May Have Toward You

For people who are ruled by tender-hearted compassion, your more diplomatic response to problems might seem too cool, too focused on fairness and not filled enough with sympathy and selflessness.

For them, when someone's life is on fire, what is needed is not collaboration but rescue. And the person who experiences their life on fire may resent the time you take to contemplate. 'I need you, and I need you NOW! This isn't about fairness, it's about the fire.' 'All deliberate speed' may seem too deliberate and not fast enough, either to the more compassionate or to people in genuine trouble.

At the other end of the spectrum of compassion, those who believe people should take care of themselves may find even your thoughtful sympathies too soft. They expect people, themselves included, to work their own way out of trouble. They are convinced that the helping hand you lend just fosters dependence and is not good for the development of character, either in you or in the person you assist."

Just walking on a "tight rope", "stuck in the middle" with you....

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