Friday, June 26, 2009

One cannot change another person ~ One can only change oneself

I've run across some "flat earth" earth society members. I run from them just as fast as they run from me. Interesting, though, if they don't know what I believe; we get along just fine. Judgement, finger pointing, stone throwing, gossip, back biting, these are nasty repercussions from people.... don't do it.

We all have a right to follow our "bliss". Can't we all just get along? Apparently, not yet....

It takes alot of growth to be at peace with oneself. More growth to not strive to change anyone. Rise up above controling, manipulating, judging, throwing away, or belittling others. It takes great growth to see others in the light of love. Truly, others are more than their behaviors, more than their bodies, more than their jobs, and more than their families. I am much more than that... aren't you? Truth is truth ~ everywhere.

I am learning to respond with the truth of who I am. Loving becomes a way of life. Including become a way of life. Non-judgment and walking in integrity becomes a way of life. Seeing a bigger picture becomes more important than thinking I am the only one who is "right"... Do you want to be "right" or be "happy". Is inner peace and love a commitment? The following is the eHarmony report on negative reactions to my way of thinking and believing...

"Negative Reactions Others May Have Toward Your Style of Thinking

Not everyone will be thrilled by your flexible, middle-of-the-road ways of thinking and believing. A few people are so taken with flights of imagination into whatever is new that they might find your commitment to long-standing values and beliefs too confining, if not too boring. Oh well; so be it. They'll just have to be in free-flight without you.

Others are content with the ideas that have served them and their culture well; they're not excited by the prospect of moving on. And some people are afraid of new ways of thinking because they are somewhat fragile; they have trouble maintaining their current worlds and don't want someone like you, for instance pushing out the edges of their intellectual cosmos. So don't be surprised if your solid values sometimes make people distrust you as an explorer, or if your flexible and open mind sometimes gets you criticized by people who walk away from the very same explorations that you find refreshing."

I hope everyone loves themselves and appreciates the great experiences in their lifetimes. It's a wild journey full of the miraculous... and when we share them with others, take each other's hand and travel together.... Wow!

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