Friday, June 19, 2009

Life goes on... without boobs

My Self-Summary
Oh, a self summary... I can give you a bunch of labels that describes my body, my roles, my comings and goings, my doings, my mistakes and acheivements. Do you want that? Basically, I am a spirit having a human experience - boy howdie am I enjoying it! Wake up and Live (It's one of my favorite sayings I tell myself)
What I’m doing with my life
I recently moved to this area from the west. I'm a mountain girl. It was interesting leaving my kids and grandchildren (boys: ages 18 mos. & 4). I didn't think I could do it gracefully, however, my HP kicked in and gave me the grace to get here in record time AND have fun doing it. I stopped by Dollywood and rode in a shiney Red Fire Engine in the opening day parade. (Come on! Hasn't everyone wanted at some time in their life to do that! My time had come! Sirens blowin' and everything! I was a star! It was cool...) I got to stay in the Smokey Mountains for the first time and witness the clouds rising from the ground up through the trees, just like smoke! (duh - thus named the Smokey Mtns... BUT I didn't know that! It was cool...) It was mystical and beautiful. Am I blessed or what? I thought I would hear some great country music driving through Nashville. Want to know what's on the radio in Nashville - only hip-hop. Now I can say I spent one evening singing in Nashville (while I was driving through it! It was cool...) I arrived in Aberdeen to see my dear friends, very tired and in one piece.Basically, I'm learning from my life lessons what I desperately wanted to know when I took on this body... what an adventure! Recently, I've been healing from breast cancer. That is a trip! I'm loving being alive! Everything, everyone, every situation in my life continues to point me back to my relationship with my HP and to correct those untrue and unhealthy beliefs that I created as an underdeveloped person (possibly a child)... Aah, that's way too deep for this site, huh. Ok, how about this.(Standing up tall, tummy in, chest out, big toothy smile) I want to create world peace! (thinking in my mind) and grow really pretty nails that I can polish - oh, and hair would be great too. Oh, and a set of twins, nice and perky, and while we're doing plastic surgery, let's take a look at this tummy. I wave the wrist, wrist, side to side wave that I learned in the parade and smile off stage...
I’m really good at
making mistakes then having to go back and correct them. It's been a long standing pattern in my life. It's the way I learn. It's a hands on approach to learning. My Dad sums it up like this, "Julie, you sure do learn from the school of hard knocks, don't you." I had to buy extra erasers in Kindergarten, that should have been my first clue.I good at talking with people or rather connecting - if they are receptive to it. If not, they usually just walk away.I good at dancing alone. I love to dance and sing. I love to laugh and be outrageous. (within bounds) Not that many people are willing to get out there in life or on the dance floor alone and just let 'er rip and not care what other people think of it. I dance, with or without a partner... well, the sun shines whether it's daytime or nightime doesn't it? It shines because that's what it does. Me too. (Wake up and Live!) See I'm telling myself again... it's a good saying, huh.
The first thing(s) people usually notice about me
Many have said, "What a woman! Who does her hair! Who does her nails! Who shops for her clothes! Where are her boobs? What about that tummy... is it bigger than before the bilateral-mastectomy or does it just LOOK bigger? .WHERE DID HER HEAD GO!...All I can see is her tummy! Is she pregnant?"(Their next response) Shocked and embarassed, they think, "Gaud, just look away." They look at their watch and say, "Oh, look at the time, gotta go." Then they turn and just walk away, thinking, "She's OK dancing by herself." Some ask their friends walking with them, "She didn't see me staring, did she?" Some think, "She'll never even know I was here" After quickly walking a safe distance away, usually the friends look at each other and say, "... Geeze did you see that?"(Julie's response) I smile and wave, saying, "PLASTIC SURGERY" over and over like a mantra... I comfort myself with the knowledge that I will have the perkiest twins in the old folks home.

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